
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Enable God Mode in Windows

Hello Friends,
Today I’ll write tutorial on God Mode. You’ll ask what this God Mode is. OK.
God Mode is a folder that brings together a long list of customization settings allowing you to change all your settings from one place. That means you don’t need to click or hop between different dialog windows.
You can open God Mode in upcoming Windows8 and existing Windows7, Vista 32 bit and Windows Server 2008 (32 bit) operating systems.
It provides access to virtually every setting of Windows OS.
    (1) Right click in any of your Windows drive.
    (2) Go to New->>Folder
    (3) Rename this folder as:
    (4) Now Folder Icon will change to Control Panel icon with now name as ‘GodMode’.
    (5) Double click it to open window as seen below.
 That’s all.


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