
Friday, December 30, 2011

Increase the list of Recently Opened Documents History

Hi Friends,

In windows you can increase the list of recently used documents in start menu.

By default Windows XP displays the shortcuts of last fifteen programs on recent documents list in start menu but you can increase this value with your required input value.


  (1)  Navigate to Start Menu then RUN dialog box
  (2) Type there
  (3) Press Enter.
  (4) In the Registry Editor, at left hand side, navigate to the following  


Now in left side panel, click right to create a new Key value with the name Explorer under "Policies" area.

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>>Software>>Microsoft>>Windows>>CurrentVersion>>

Now in right side panel, click right to create a new DWORD value with the name MaxRecentDocs and then set values with your required input value.

In this, we are trying to set input value to 30.

After this step, press OK.


Note- if you want to disable this functionality then simply change the value of data box to 15 or delete the MaxRecentDocs DWORD item.

Now close the registry editor and restart your computer.

That’s all.


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