
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Faster Shutdown in Windows7

Dear Friends,

This time I am writing a very small tutorial on shutting down Windows7 system very quick.
This registry setting notifies Windows how long to wait before prompting you that a service is not responding to the shut down request. This may help speed up your shutdown if you have any such services running.


     (1)   Navigate to Start Menu then RUN.
     (2)   Type regedit
     (3)   Now go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> 

     (4)   Find the WaitToKillServiceTimeout key on the right side.
     (5)   Now double click to edit and change it from the default 12000 (12 seconds) to
    2000 (2 seconds) or above.

That’s all.

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