
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Enable Write Protection of USB Devices

Dear Friends,

If you want to safeguard your private computer data from copying on USB drives by your friends and/or relatives then this hack will please you a lot.
With this hack, you can set write protection for USB devices in your Computer so that nobody can steal your personal data in your absence.


(1.) Navigate to Start->>RUN command prompt.

(2.) Type regedit and press enter.

(3.) Navigate to the following registry key:


(4.) If not present, create the key StorageDevicePolicies.

(5.) Select the key afterwards and right-click into the right window.

(6.) Create a new DWORD value and name it WriteProtect.

(7.) Double-click the new entry afterwards and change the value from 0 to 1.
    A value of 1 enables Write protection and 0 disables it.

(8.) Done.
Now whenever anyone tries to copy your personal data to USB, he will see this message:
"The Disk is write protected".

That’s all.

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