
Saturday, January 7, 2012

How to clean autorun.inf Virus from your Computer

Dear Friends,

Many times you noticed the problem that whenever you double click on any drive (C:,D:, E: of F: drives) in Win Xp. And you get “open with” popup window.
Actually this happens because of Autorun.inf virus.

These are the steps to remove it from your system:


      (1)   Navigate to Start then RUN command prompt
(2)   Type there cmd and press Enter
(3)   Type cd\ and press Enter
(4)   Now you should be in c:\> drive
(5)   Again type attrib –r –h –s autorun.inf and press Enter
(6)   Type del autorun.inf and press Enter.

Perform these steps for all your drives from command prompt and restart your system.

That’s it.

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